- Part of our mission at Operation Ornaments is to remember those who have been impacted by natural disasters—especially those in small places that are more likely to be forgotten.
With that, I am so excited to announce that we will be serving HAVILAH, CA that was destroyed by the Borel Fire. Havilah is a historic mining town in the foothills of California.
We will be partnering with Catholic Charities for distribution. I am so excited to bring your love to these people!
Robin Liljenquist Anderson

2. We’re heading to NEW MEXICO! The second area we will be serving is Ruidoso, New Mexico! As I watched the very few reports about the disaster there my heart was touched. The area experienced a wildfire that destroyed hundreds of homes. Just as they were able to breathe again massive flooding occurred wiping out many more homes. I was so sad and frustrated when the media did not cover this. We want the people in Ruidoso to know we have not forgotten them.
I’m so excited to serve Ruidoso! We will be working with an interfaith group spearheaded by Tanya, who is determined to make this an amazing experience for survivors. Tanya has been with us for a few years and reached out to us volunteering to serve survivors in New Mexico. Carolyn Nicolaysen
3. We are so excited to announce our third area of serving for 2025! We are thrilled to be able to deliver your gifts of love to MAUI this year!
It will be about 2 1/2 years since the horrific fire decimated their town. The progress has been painstakingly slow, but it’s moving forward. I know they will feel so loved when receiving your heartfelt gifts, so long after being impacted. They will truly feel remembered and seen.
Carol Burton

An aerial view of residential lots that have been cleared of wildfire debris and covered in gravel, seen as recovery work continues on August 3, 2024, in Lahaina. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has cleared wildfire debris from 1,372 out of 1,399 residential properties in Lahaina and 69 out of 159 commercial properties. https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2024/08/photos-lahaina-fire-one-year-anniversary/679398/
4. Operation Ornaments will be partnering with Mountain Mule Packers to deliver your ornaments to the families impacted by Hurricane Helene in the mountainous areas of NORTH CAROLINA and TENNESSEE. They will also be hosting two Christmas events for survivors and families will receive family packs at those events.
I am super excited to join efforts with this group who has spent so much time, energy, and love helping those who need it the most.
Laura Davis